lunedì 29 febbraio 2016
lunedì 15 febbraio 2016
[TAG] Products I love and repurchase
I was tagged by Alice in this tag started by Biancaneve Makeup and Parola di Deirdre in which I will show you my most used, loved and repurchased products for five different cathegories. Of course I failed at sharing just one product, especially for the makeup cathegory, but I hope you don't mind. Those posts are my faves because you can find some pretty interesting gems to buy and love. Let's start!
I must admit that when it comes to bodycare, I'm not really faithful to a single product. I haven't found my ride or die product, so I keep trying out different stuff. One product that I discovered about a year ago and that I keep repurchasing, though, is the Frozen Verbena Body Scrub by & Other Stories. I like the way it smells and the fact that it leaves my skin incredibly soft. It's a sugar scrub therefore is less abrasive and more suitable for my sensitive skin.
I also love the Yves Rocher Shower Gels. They smell extremely good and the cream is hydrating on the skin.
I also love the Yves Rocher Shower Gels. They smell extremely good and the cream is hydrating on the skin.
Facial Skincare
I have quite a few goodies to share with you for this cathegory. Let's start with the Antipodes Avocado Pear Nourishing Cream, my best friend during the colder months. I discovered this brand thanks to Dramanmakeup and I couldn't be happier. This cream gives my skin the perfect level of hydration and I honestly can't live without it.
Another all time favorites is the Garnier Micellar Water. I've gone through at least five bottles and I keep repurchasing it without thinking. It does its job and it's affordable, so you can't really go wrong.
The Addolcilabbra from Alkemilla are my favorites when it comes to chapsticks. They're available in lots of different flavors and each time I try a new one. Amazing!
A recent discovery is the Idrolato di Rosmarino by Biofficina Toscana. Since I started using this product I noticed that my pores are a little bit smaller and my skin is just clearer. I've just finished my first bottle and I bought two more bottles, I love it so much.
Last but not least, the Face Protect Lotion SPF50 by Mac is a must have all year round, but especially during summer. I can't go out in the sun without wearing sunscreen and I find this one perfect to use under my makeup because it doesn't make me oily and it's a good base.
A recent discovery is the Idrolato di Rosmarino by Biofficina Toscana. Since I started using this product I noticed that my pores are a little bit smaller and my skin is just clearer. I've just finished my first bottle and I bought two more bottles, I love it so much.
Last but not least, the Face Protect Lotion SPF50 by Mac is a must have all year round, but especially during summer. I can't go out in the sun without wearing sunscreen and I find this one perfect to use under my makeup because it doesn't make me oily and it's a good base.
For hair I only have two products to share. The first one is a shampoo I discovered last year; it's from L'Oreal and it's the Volumetry Shampoo for fine hair. Again, this product does its job perfectly, giving volume to my fine hair. For the first time I can feel the difference whenever I use other shampoos, and that's when you know something is really good. The other product is the Magic CC Cream from Collistar. It's a colored mask that nourishes and colors your hair without damages. Especially with red hair I find this product really helpful to keep the color from looking dull and lifeless.
Finally, onto makeup. I have lots of things to share for this cathegory, as you can imagine. Let's start with two mascaras. The first one I discovered towards the end of 2015 but it has become my favorite even in such a small amount of time. I'm talking about the Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara. I like the way the brush curves my lashes and how my lashes look whenever I wear it. It's almost like I'm wearing falsies, I swear! The other all time favorite mascara is the Voluminous Carbon Black mascara from L'Oreal. I've been using this mascara for years now and it's still my ride or die/can't live without mascara.
Another product that I keep repurchasing is the Stila Stay All Day Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner. I love the tip of this eyeliner, it makes so easy to draw a perfect wing. It's also one of the blackest eyeliner I've ever tried and it's waterproof, so that means it won't transfer on your lids.
Another product that I keep repurchasing is the Stila Stay All Day Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner. I love the tip of this eyeliner, it makes so easy to draw a perfect wing. It's also one of the blackest eyeliner I've ever tried and it's waterproof, so that means it won't transfer on your lids.
I've probably gone through 5 or 6 tubes of the famous Mac Pro Longwear concealer, and I just repurchased another one. It's the best to conceal dark circles or spots and it's probably the concealer that creases the least on me.
Makeup Forever HD foundation is a staple in my collection. It's my go-to foundation when I need a flawless face or when I know pictures will be taken. I even have two different shades -for when I'm "tan" and my usual shade is too light - that's commitment for me, believe me.
Last but not least, the Urban Decay All Nighter Makeup Setting Spray has been a must have for me. I use this setting spray both before and after doing my makeup and it helps with the longevity of my base; it's also great to avoid the "powdery" look.
Makeup Forever HD foundation is a staple in my collection. It's my go-to foundation when I need a flawless face or when I know pictures will be taken. I even have two different shades -for when I'm "tan" and my usual shade is too light - that's commitment for me, believe me.
Last but not least, the Urban Decay All Nighter Makeup Setting Spray has been a must have for me. I use this setting spray both before and after doing my makeup and it helps with the longevity of my base; it's also great to avoid the "powdery" look.
For nails I only have one staple, the Quick Dry Top Coat by Deborah Milano. It really works and I can't do my manicure without using this product. If you haven't tried it you need to, you won't regret it!
That's it for this tag, I hope you liked this post!
I tag:
Il Barbatrucco della Mokarta
Nude Powder
Il mondo di Ciulla
That's it for this tag, I hope you liked this post!
I tag:
Il Barbatrucco della Mokarta
Nude Powder
Il mondo di Ciulla
mercoledì 10 febbraio 2016
[REVIEW] Dress Me Perfect Cushion Foundation
Ciao a tutti!
Nel post di oggi volevo condividere con voi le prime impressioni su un prodotto che sto provando da circa una settimana e che mi sta piacendo davvero tanto. Sto parlando del nuovo fondotinta Dress Me Perfect Cushion di Deborah Milano. I fondotinta con tecnologia Cushion sono nati in Asia -più precisamente in Corea- ma negli ultimi anni si sono diffusi anche in Europa.
Il concept dietro a questo prodotto è relativamente semplice: si tratta di una spugna imbevuta di fondotinta. L'applicazione consigliata è tramite una seconda spugnetta, più compatta, che garantisce un risultato leggero ma perfetto proprio perché il prodotto viene "pressato" all'interno della pelle e non applicato tramite un "massaggio". I fondotinta Cushion sono diventati popolari perché condensano al loro interno tutte le migliori caratteristiche di BB e CC Cream, più una serie di altri vantaggi e benefici. La coprenza garantita è medio-bassa con un fattore di protezione molto alto (tipicamente SPF 30 o SPF 50), mentre la texture è leggera e sottile.
Passiamo nello specifico alla Cushion di Deborah Milano.
Il concept dietro a questo prodotto è relativamente semplice: si tratta di una spugna imbevuta di fondotinta. L'applicazione consigliata è tramite una seconda spugnetta, più compatta, che garantisce un risultato leggero ma perfetto proprio perché il prodotto viene "pressato" all'interno della pelle e non applicato tramite un "massaggio". I fondotinta Cushion sono diventati popolari perché condensano al loro interno tutte le migliori caratteristiche di BB e CC Cream, più una serie di altri vantaggi e benefici. La coprenza garantita è medio-bassa con un fattore di protezione molto alto (tipicamente SPF 30 o SPF 50), mentre la texture è leggera e sottile.
Passiamo nello specifico alla Cushion di Deborah Milano.
Packaging - Il packaging è molto semplice ma allo stesso tempo carino: si tratta di un compact bianco con le scritte argentate. Sul retro sono riportate tutte le informazioni utili, tra cui il fattore di protezione (SPF30), il PAO (12 mesi) e la grammatura (13,5g). Il prodotto ha un doppio coperchio: il primo permette di chiudere completamente la confezione, mentre il secondo -interno- è a contatto con il fondotinta e preserva la spugnetta dal contatto con l'aria. All'interno della confezione c'è anche un applicatore che, combinato con la formula del prodotto, rilascia una sensazione di estrema freschezza al momento dell'applicazione. Una delle cose che mi ha sempre frenato dei fondotinta Cushion è proprio questa spugnetta: nella mia testa la vedo come poco igienica, motivo per cui preferisco applicare il prodotto con la Beauty Blender o con un pennello. L'effetto è molto simile, quindi a mio parere potete utilizzare la modalità di applicazione che più preferite.
Texture - Di questo prodotto mi piace davvero tanto la resa sulla pelle. L'effetto è naturale e luminoso, la coprenza media ma modulabile. Il prodotto è leggero e sembra quasi di non aver nulla sul viso, ma riesce comunque ad uniformare l'incarnato e a nascondere le piccole imperfezioni della pelle. Per l'occasione ho scattato due bei selfie prima/dopo così che voi possiate vedere la resa sulla mia pelle.

Viso struccato (e stanza in disordine)
Dress Me Perfect Cushion Foundation
Colore - Una nota dolente è sicuramente legata alle tonalità disponibili. Io ho acquistato la colorazione numero 01, che come potete vedere dalle foto qui sopra, è leggermente troppo scura per il mio incarnato. Sfumandola sul collo e utilizzando poco bronzer riesco comunque a risolvere il problema, ma se siete molto più pallide di me (NC20 per capirci) potrebbe essere un problema. Le tonalità disponibili in totale sono 4.
Prezzo - Il prezzo è abbastanza alto (19,90€ prezzo consigliato, io da OVS l'ho pagata 17€) specialmente se rapportato ai 13,5g di prodotto. Bisogna sicuramente tenere in considerazione che la tecnologia Cushion è innovativa e che si tratta di un prodotto "nuovo".
In generale, come dicevo all'inizio del post, sono molto soddisfatta del mio acquisto. Si tratta di prime impressioni dopo circa una settimana di utilizzo, però sono dell'idea che con i fondotinta sia abbastanza facile capire se ci sia feeling o meno. In questo caso, per ora, c'è.
Avete mai provato fondotinta Cushion? Questo di Deborah Milano vi ispira? Lo comprerete? Fatemi sapere nei commenti!!

Viso struccato (e stanza in disordine)
Dress Me Perfect Cushion Foundation
Colore - Una nota dolente è sicuramente legata alle tonalità disponibili. Io ho acquistato la colorazione numero 01, che come potete vedere dalle foto qui sopra, è leggermente troppo scura per il mio incarnato. Sfumandola sul collo e utilizzando poco bronzer riesco comunque a risolvere il problema, ma se siete molto più pallide di me (NC20 per capirci) potrebbe essere un problema. Le tonalità disponibili in totale sono 4.
Prezzo - Il prezzo è abbastanza alto (19,90€ prezzo consigliato, io da OVS l'ho pagata 17€) specialmente se rapportato ai 13,5g di prodotto. Bisogna sicuramente tenere in considerazione che la tecnologia Cushion è innovativa e che si tratta di un prodotto "nuovo".
In generale, come dicevo all'inizio del post, sono molto soddisfatta del mio acquisto. Si tratta di prime impressioni dopo circa una settimana di utilizzo, però sono dell'idea che con i fondotinta sia abbastanza facile capire se ci sia feeling o meno. In questo caso, per ora, c'è.
Avete mai provato fondotinta Cushion? Questo di Deborah Milano vi ispira? Lo comprerete? Fatemi sapere nei commenti!!
mercoledì 3 febbraio 2016
[MOST PLAYED] January Most Played
Hi guys, welcome back!
I can't believe it's already February. This first month of 2016 was a good one for me: I graduated and the company I currently work for decided to renew my internship, so I will be working here for another six months. I couldn't be happier and I hope that February will be just as good and full of amazing experiences.
This month I tried less makeup products than usual, but I still have some pretty amazing favorites to share with you. As always this post is part of the #TeamMostPlayed created by goldenvi0let. Check out her blog to learn more about it (and for some cookies!!) :)

I have combination skin, a little bit oily in the T-Zone and more on the dryer side on the cheeks. Those past months, however, my skin has been acting up and was really dry all over. Every foundation I had was clinging to all the dry patches and looking awful, until I tried the Antipodes Vanilla Pod Hydrating Day Cream as my daily moisturizer. I've had this one in my collection for a while but never tried it because I was scared that it was too rich for my skin. As soon as I tried it, though, I fell in love. It's moisturizing and gentle on the skin, it doesn't make me look or feel greasy or oily and it's overall a really good base for my foundation. I only have a sample of it but I will probably buy the full size as soon as I use this up!
Another Antipodes product I've been loving lately is the Aura Manuka Honey Mask. This was like a breath of fresh air for my skin: after using it my face felt really hydrated and smooth. I use this mask at least twice a week and it's the most amazing thing ever. If during winter your skin gets extremely dry, this product is worth trying!
A couple of weeks ago I bought the Catrice liquid camouflage High Coverage Concealer because in my mind it was really similar to the Urban Decay Naked Concealer. I still have to figure out if those two products are actually similar, but I can safely say that the Catrice one is really really good. It's moisturizing on the undereye area, it's high coverage and doesn't settle into the fine lines badly. I notice a little creasing after 7/8 hours of wearing but every single concealer creases on me at the end of the day, so it's not really different from the more expensive ones I own. Again, it's worth a try, especially for the price. I believe I payed less than 4€ for it, so you can't really go wrong.
At the end of december I also rediscovered another product from Catrice, the Eye Brow Designer. The shade I have is 020 Date with Ash-ton, which is the perfect ash tone for blondes. The pencil is hard enough to draw little hairs and mimick real brows and again the price point is perfect.
For my eye makeup I used the Zoeva Cocoa Blend Palette a lot. It's the first palette I grab when I don't know what to do with my makeup or when I don't really have much time. I usually use at least a couple of colors; if you like warm tones, this palette is perfect for you. The shadows are extremely pigmented and blendable; it's a mix of my most used shades, perfect for everyday.
The Kiko Moon Shadow Water Infused Eyeshadows are also great. Those are stick eyeshadows perfec for when you want a fast smoky eye or for when you can't be bothered to do your makeup. It's a one step product and it comes in different shades, so you can find the most suitable to your likes and needs.
Let's talk about lips, shall we? In the past weeks I used Nabla's Diva Crime in Underground like crazy. I am completely in love with this dark rich shade and the formula of the Diva Crime is probably my all time favourite. It's easy to apply, the color is pigmented and creamy, the lipstick stays on for hours and it's extremely comfortable on the lips, too. After a couple of hours the color "dries" and becomes more matte and even more beautiful. If you haven't tried the Diva Crime yet you totally HAVE TO, and again you wont regret it.
At the end of 2015 I discovered the NYX Liquid Suede. These are the most comfortable liquid lipsticks I tried: upon application the color is creamy and rich and it dries to a semi-matte finish without drying the lips. I just ordered some more shades, but my most used is Cherry Skies.
Last but not least, a step out of my comfort zone made of peachy blushes with this Madina Prisma Blush n.05. The texture is amazing, it lasts on the skin all day long and the prisma formula gives a nice sheen to the skin without being glittery at all. After buying this shade I went out and bought more, so I will probably write a post about them soon!
That's it for January! I hope this month was good for you too. Let me know which products you liked this month, I can't wait to hear from you and try some new stuff!
A couple of weeks ago I bought the Catrice liquid camouflage High Coverage Concealer because in my mind it was really similar to the Urban Decay Naked Concealer. I still have to figure out if those two products are actually similar, but I can safely say that the Catrice one is really really good. It's moisturizing on the undereye area, it's high coverage and doesn't settle into the fine lines badly. I notice a little creasing after 7/8 hours of wearing but every single concealer creases on me at the end of the day, so it's not really different from the more expensive ones I own. Again, it's worth a try, especially for the price. I believe I payed less than 4€ for it, so you can't really go wrong.
At the end of december I also rediscovered another product from Catrice, the Eye Brow Designer. The shade I have is 020 Date with Ash-ton, which is the perfect ash tone for blondes. The pencil is hard enough to draw little hairs and mimick real brows and again the price point is perfect.
For my eye makeup I used the Zoeva Cocoa Blend Palette a lot. It's the first palette I grab when I don't know what to do with my makeup or when I don't really have much time. I usually use at least a couple of colors; if you like warm tones, this palette is perfect for you. The shadows are extremely pigmented and blendable; it's a mix of my most used shades, perfect for everyday.
The Kiko Moon Shadow Water Infused Eyeshadows are also great. Those are stick eyeshadows perfec for when you want a fast smoky eye or for when you can't be bothered to do your makeup. It's a one step product and it comes in different shades, so you can find the most suitable to your likes and needs.
Let's talk about lips, shall we? In the past weeks I used Nabla's Diva Crime in Underground like crazy. I am completely in love with this dark rich shade and the formula of the Diva Crime is probably my all time favourite. It's easy to apply, the color is pigmented and creamy, the lipstick stays on for hours and it's extremely comfortable on the lips, too. After a couple of hours the color "dries" and becomes more matte and even more beautiful. If you haven't tried the Diva Crime yet you totally HAVE TO, and again you wont regret it.
At the end of 2015 I discovered the NYX Liquid Suede. These are the most comfortable liquid lipsticks I tried: upon application the color is creamy and rich and it dries to a semi-matte finish without drying the lips. I just ordered some more shades, but my most used is Cherry Skies.
Last but not least, a step out of my comfort zone made of peachy blushes with this Madina Prisma Blush n.05. The texture is amazing, it lasts on the skin all day long and the prisma formula gives a nice sheen to the skin without being glittery at all. After buying this shade I went out and bought more, so I will probably write a post about them soon!
That's it for January! I hope this month was good for you too. Let me know which products you liked this month, I can't wait to hear from you and try some new stuff!
lunedì 1 febbraio 2016
[FACE OF THE DAY] Wanna be my Valentine?
I wanted to create a makeup suitable for Valentine's Day, but clearly something went wrong. I totally love the result though, I like dark looks and I totally stepped out of my comfort zone with this black lipstick.
For the eyes I started as usual with Makeup Geek Peach Smoothie in the crease up to the brow bone. I started to define my crease a little bit more with Narciso from Nabla. I darkened my inner and outer corner with Narciso and Camelot from Nabla, leaving the center of my lid completely bare. There I first applied Dandy, the golden creme shadow from Nabla as well, and on top of that I applied Glitz to make it a little bit more gold. On the lower lashline I used Narciso and Camelot. The lashes I used are from House of Lashes in the style Heartbreaker. Those are my favorite lashes ever, I think they suit my eyes the best: they're long and whispy and fluffy, I love them so much.
On the face I applied EX1 Invisiwear Foundation, one of my all time favorite product for my base. I didn't use any blush but I bronzed up my skin with the Physicians Formula Bronze Booster, a new entry in my makeup collection.
Finally, the lips. I used the Urban Decay 24/7 Glide on Pencil in Perversion as a base and then, on top, I applied a black lipstick from Kiko.
Max Factor Facefinity All Day Primer
EX1 Invisiwear Foundation (Shade 100)
Catrice Liquid Camouflage Concealer
Too Faced Primed and Poreless powder
Physicians Formula Bronze Booster in Medium/Dark
Nabla Narciso, Petra, Camelot, Glitz eyeshadows
Neve Cosmetics Black Sheep Eyeshadow
Makeup Geek Peach Smoothie eyeshadow
Nabla Crème Shadow in Dandy
Makeup Revolution Amazing Foil eyeshadow in Rose Gold
Stila Stay All Day Liquid Liner in Black
Deborah Milano 2in1 gel Kajal&Eyeliner pencil in Black
Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara
House of Lashes Heartbreaker Lashes
Neve Cosmetics Manga Brows
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide on Pencil in Perversion
Kiko Black Lipstick
Kiko Black Lipstick
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